Programma formativo SAFER (Italiano)

EDG – Background teorico – Bibliografia e riconoscimenti


Bernat, D., Bearinger, L., Eisenberg, ME., Resnick, MD. (2008). Support for Comprehensive Sexuality Education: Perspectives from Parents of School-age Youth. Journal of Adolescent Health, 42(4), 352-359


Davies, B. (1989). Frogs, Snails and Feminist Tales: pre-school children and gender. Sydney: Allan & Unwin.


EIGE (2019). Forms of gender-based violence. Disponibile all’indirizzo:


Funk & Funk (2017). From a Pedagogy of Vulnerability to a Pedagogy of Resilience: A Case Study of the Youth and Gender in Media Project, Critical Questions in Education 8:3.


Gordon, T. & Lahelma, E. (1998). Gränsöverskridande – om kön i läroplaner och i skolans praxis [Crossing boundaries – on gender in curricula and school practice], in A-L. Arnesen, (Ed.) Likt og ulikt: Kjönnsdimensjonen i pedagogisk tenkning och praksis. HiO-report, Oslo University.


International Planned Parenthood Federation. (2016). Everyone’s right to know: delivering comprehensive sexuality education for all young people. Disponibile all’indirizzo:


International Planned Parenthood Federation (2017). Deliver and enable toolkit: scaling up Comprehensive sexuality education. International Planned Parenthood Federation. Disponibile all’indirizzo:


Juliette D.G. Goldman (2010). The new sexuality education curriculum for Queensland primary schools, Sex Education, 10:1, 47-66, DOI: 10.1080/14681810903491370


Karlson et al. (2011). A Question of Gender-Sensitive Pedagogy: Discourses in Pedagogical Guidelines, Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood 12(3):27.


Mlama et al. (2005). Gender Responsive Pedagogy – a Teacher’s Handbook, Forum for African Women Educationalists (FAWE)


Njambi et al. (2016). Documentation of Gender Responsive as a Best Practice by the Forum for African Women, Forum for African Women Educationalists (FAWE)


Lenz Taguchi, H. (2004). In på bara benet. En introduction till feministisk poststrukturalism [On the naked bone: an introduction to feminist poststructuralism]. Stockholm: HLS Förlag.


Lloyd et al. (2000). The Effects of Primary School Quality on School Dropout among Kenyan Girls and Boys Comparative Education Review. Disponibile all’indirizzo:


Lundberg et al. (2015). Gender Studies Education and Pedagogy, Swedish Secretariat for Gender Research. Disponibile all’indirizzo: Pedagogy.pdf


Nabbuye, H. (2018). Gender-sensitive pedagogy – The bridge to girls’ quality education in Uganda, Echidna Global Scholars Program, Policy Brief, Center for Universal Education at Brookings.


Raghavendra, T. (2014). Understanding Gender: A training module for teachers, Karnataka Health Promotion Trust (KHPT).


Rennie, L. J., (2003). “Pirates Can Be Male or Female”: Investigating Gender-Inclusivity in a Years 2/3 Classroom, Research in Science Education 33: 515–528, Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.


Reyes et al. (2013). Transformative Resilience Guide, Gender, Violence, and Education, The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank.


Sunnari, V (1997). Gendered Structures and Processes In Primary Teacher Education – Challenge for Gender-Sensitive Pedagogy, Oulu Department of Teacher Education, Femina Borealis.


Swedish Institute (2019). Education in Sweden. Disponibile all’indirizzo:



UNESCO (2015). Emerging evidence and practice in comprehensive sexuality education: a global review. Disponibile all’indirizzo:


UNESCO (2018). International technical guidance on sexuality education: an evidence-informed approach. Disponibile all’indirizzo:


Warin, J & Adriany, V. (2017). Gender flexible pedagogy in early childhood education, Journal of Gender Studies, 26:4, 375-386, DOI: 10.1080/09589236.2015.1105738


WHO Regional Office for Europe and BZgA (2010). Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe: Guidance for Implementation.


Wodon et. al (2018). Missed Opportunities: The High Cost of Not Educating Girls (English). The Cost of Not Educating Girls Series. Washington, D.C.: World Bank Group. Disponibile all’indirizzo: